We have a winner! Congratulations goes to Mia Dijkstra, winner of our bespoke road trip to Frontier Country competition, in association with Isuzu South Africa!
Mia’s entry, which included a selection of enjoyable road trip tunes suited to the various regions in the Eastern Cape, which really caught our attention! So, well done Mia! Your Frontier Country road trip in a brand-new Isuzu Mu-X awaits you!
Special mention also goes to the following entrants: Briony Chisholm, for her detailed, well-defined entry that includes some truly interesting places; Mokgohloe Ntsoane, for her itinerary comprising some different, alternative experiences, and the entries from Rose von Wildemann and Megan von Wildemann, both well researched with a definite historical slant! Thank you to all who entered!
Watch this space for more exciting ROADTRIP competitions! Follow us on https://www.facebook.com/RoadTripMagazineSA or journey to our website https://roadtripmag.co.za/