
Death of a road warrior

There is a lot of crap written and sung about life on the road: travelling is fun only if journeys are undertaken from choice but, to be eternally on the move in order to justify one’s existence … that is something else. My friend Brian Finch knew this better than most. No

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Toxic Tax

Another hike in the fuel price due to another Carbon Tax – on inferior quality fuel. The Machiavellian logic behind this toxic tax would have been funny if it was not so tragic, reckons Paul van Gass. It is a script not even the writers of the controversial final episode of Games Of

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Coup(é) de grâce

The SUV Coupé trend is booming. Paul van Gass wonders what makes these graceless coupés so popular. It was premier brand BMW who took it mainstream first, quickly followed by Merc and most recently Porsche and Audi. Nowadays, it seems, every car builder South of the Arctic (most notably in China)

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Tricks of the trade

Pay attention to professionals, take notes, save money. Your first car is always a blessing, even during those moments when it feels like a curse. Mine was a ‘one careful owner’ Mk1 VW Golf. The freedom of personal mobility it offered was a constant source of joy … until it caught fire. This happened

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